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22 June 2011


Of course does not "prescribe", but I do not have to prescibe one to do anything in order to make one does something. This is not a prescription, however it has a nature of someone "strongly advising" something (for instance AACSB 2004 "Ethics Education in Business Schools". I am aware of all models of teaching BE/CSR, and related issues, but the issue is not the education itself, but its impact on students at their workplaces. Nowadays, to ecourage someone to act differently in her workplace after MBA studies is almost as changing ones worldview (Weltanschauung), of course with previous consent of the person whose wolrdview is about to be changed. Introducing ethical standards (following ethical codes) and CSR practices (say dealing with various stakeholders) today is as complicate ad as hard as religious conversion say during conflicts between Roman Catholics and Reformed Christians in 16th century. It is about the change of way we live. Such thing cannot be prescribed, yet one can display a willingnes to do such conversion, and one leading someone in and out such conversion is not teaching anything, at least not in the first place, but understanding the other and her will, powers, and need to change a way of life, and then showing how hard and long-term achivement it is, and finally teaching some things about BE/CSR. Other way around simple will not do. Of course, this is only my personal opinion with my MBA students, MBA mentorships, and MA and PhD students and mentorships, no matter which topic is in question, ethical or any other.

Prescribition is perhaps misguided word. It is an issue of "should", but it cannot be the issue of "ought" or "must". On the other hand - what is the core business of business schools? And, is it not the part or an aspect of their core business to address legal and social issues of any business whatsoever as its integral and basic part which for one thing naturally "springs" from basic professionalism?

you discus about the mindset of students who are studying in some business schools but i am not agree with you business students like to take step for the progress and growth of business rather then siting up rigid concepts in the organization.

JF, you are correct that AACSB does not prescribe specific courses in the MBA curriculum. However, Standard 15 (http://www.aacsb.edu/accreditation/business/standards/aol/standard15.asp) indicates that ethics should be part of management education curricula.

Quote: „The emphasis on ethics is definitely growing, and that suggests business schools have been taking serious action to promote ethical and responsible behavior among their students.“ (Section 2, last sentence)
Comment: I cannot agree more with the use of the word “promote” since this is all many schools do. I my personal opinion, promoting anything end as a “promotion” and even undergraduates understand what it comes down to. Now MBA is a different story. MBA students do not like promotion of anything. They like to learn if a professor is lucky. However, one needs to discuss issues with them seriously, and to try to change their mindset and their style of (business) life, and their standard business procedures which they follow at their workplaces. Yet, what right do a professor of BE & CSR has to change anybody’s mindset? One can present them with tools, choices, but cannot choose instead of them. One cannot even force them to make choices.
Quote: “A growing number of business schools are incorporating a socially responsible mindset into their school’s culture through curriculum revisions, projects, and course requirements, even at the undergraduate level.” (Section 3, second sentence)
Comment: In addition to the previous comment, one cannot incorporate “mindset” into school’s culture. Where, in walls, doors … this is categorical mistake if I remember correctly G. Ryle’s argument. Only in people working there, studying there, and doing other jobs. Let us try to compare the most of "CSR projects by MBA students" with their performance at workplace before MBA studies and after, and see what the impact of these programs is. (P. S. I know things are measured, some even longitudinally, i.e. for years, yet are really important things measured?)
General comment: What seems to be important, in my humble personal opinion, is the following: (a) to show students (especially MBAs) that CSR action is essential part or an aspect of any core business being done properly (lege artis), and (b) that imagination, creativity and clear reasoning concerning this point, transparency in argumentation, and above all, courage in stating this on each and every appropriate occasion concerning a core business at workplace is of utmost importance. Yet, some of these things cannot be taught. Fortunately, some can.

Professor Kristijan Krkač, PhD, Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Business ethics & CSR course, Department of Marketing)

Thought that AACSB didn't prescribe courses to be included in the MBA curriculum? If it does, which standard states the ethics course requirement?

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